
How Onyx Is Boosting Healthcare IT Interoperability

One of the biggest topics in the medical field is healthcare IT interoperability; this term refers to the extent in which IT systems within a hospital or medical clinic can communicate with one another. Once these communications happen, the IT systems need to present that information in such a way that it’s readily understood by the end user, who is typically a doctor, nurse, or medical professional.

Healthcare IT interoperability isn’t just essential for streamlining a hospital’s IT systems; it’s absolutely fundamental for delivering exceptional patient care. When medical devices can seamlessly communicate and interact with one another, it makes it much faster for physicians and nurses to connect to the information they need. Additionally, streamlined electronic communications make it much easier for different facets of the hospital to interact with one another in ways that benefit the patient. For example, interoperability allows a physician to assess a patient’s medications and provide updates to the digital pharmacy, all while the patient is viewing post-op recovery information on his or her infotainment system in the recovery room.

Onyx has developed multiple technologies designed to touch every facet of a patient’s experience – and all of these technologies are designed to communicate and interact with one another in a way that’s easier for the patient. These medical devices facilitate communication, allowing for efficiency without sacrificing interoperability. What’s more, the resulting information can be easily digested by end users, creating a simple system that minimizes mistakes and miscommunications.

From the nursing station and the surgical room to the recovery room and pharmacy, Onyx Healthcare creates a seamless and integrated technological experience that provides better patient care while improving healthcare IT interoperability.

Onyx Healthcare specializes in creating top-grade computing platforms that meet FDA and regional requirements, all while shortening a client’s design cycle. To learn more about Onyx Healthcare, visit http://www.onyxhealthcareusa.com/.

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